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Passion Turned Into Profession…

Welcome to The Thrifty Whale

Thanks for visiting our website! My name is Jesse Hurd, and I’ve been an avid fisherman and writer for many years. I’m fortunate to live near Upper Chesapeake, where the mouth of the Susquehanna River meets the bay. There are many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors here (fishing, hunting, trails, etc.)

The purpose of The Thrifty Whale is to create articles that add value to outdoor enthusiasts across the United States. I’m always learning and exploring new and different aspects of fishing, hunting, and everything I find interesting about nature.

Recent Articles

What Do Walleye Eat in Winter?

Walleye tend to be less active and docile in the wintertime. They become sluggish in the cold waters, and their activity slows from their peak time in late fall. In…

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